I've been into Milton Keynes Centre and had my eyes tested at Boot's Opticians. I parked in Debenham's car park, as I was likely to be some while, having dropped Carol at the Academy, as they were having G.C.S.E. results this morning. I had some time to waste so I walked around the shopping centre, although most of the shops weren't yet opened, although I did go into W.H.Smith and browsed around in the book and magazine section. I got to Boot's at around 8.35, and was surprised to find them open. The eye appointment was at 9.00, but I had to fill in a form first and then had the pre-screening done, which includes the rather nasty test they do to check for glacoma, done with a small puff of air on your eyeball. I have had this done before and it's unpleasant. Even though I know it's coming, and you're expected to keep your eye open and stare at a red dot, I still jump when it comes. They have to do three for each eye, I suppose to get at least one of those three as an average reading. The you do the periperal vision test with a machine with lights that blink on and off and you have to click on a button. I had to sit back in the waiting area and then the actual eyetest began. No real problems, but I haven't had an eye-test for at least five years. Then I had to select a pair of glasses and an assessment was made as to the finished glasses, and I will pick up the finished glasses in a few days time.
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