The weather has returned to pleasantly sunny, although it was quite chilly first thing this morning. A definite nip in the air. There is a real need to put the thicker duvet on our bed.
I have ordered my repeat prescription at Sainsbury's, which I did earlier in the week. It was a G.T.N. spray. (Glyceryl Trinitrate) For those who've had a heart attack and suffer from angina attacks, you will obviously know that this little bottle, which comes with a neat spray, helps to relieve this angina pain. You spray a few puffs under your tongue and then wait for a minute or two for the effects to take place. It relaxes and widens blood vessels in the heart and the rest of the body.You tend to get a sort of high (not unpleasant) and the pain goes off gradually. Certainly headaches and dizziness. If you sit down for a minute or two or lie down, it soon goes off. It is the same as the isosorbide mononitrate which I take twice a day. I wasn't due to collect the prescription from Sainsbury's pharmacy until Monday, and as we're going out tomorrow, weather permitting, hopefully to Whipsnade, and we'll no doubt be walking around, I thought it a good idea to buy an extra G.T.N. spray so I had it in my pocket in case I had a bad angina attack. I went to Boots at Bletchley this morning (near Pets At Home, Brantano, Sports Direct and T.K. Maxx) to enquire at their pharmacy to find out if they had one I could buy. They couldn't, but could order one, to be delivered by Monday or Tuesday. On the way home I decided to try Cox and Robinson's pharmacy at Beanhill, in the same block as Ashfield Medical Centre. They had one in stock. A good bit larger than what I'm usually given with my repeat prescription. This new one is supposed to give around 200 doses, whilst the one I usually get has around 180 doses. Well, at least I will have it in my pocket for every eventuality tomorrow. Then I went into the surgery as it's getting to the time of year when I get my free flu jab (having fallen into the 'vulnerable' class due to having had a heart attack, I get this free each year.) I got a sort of garbled phone call telling me when the two Saturdays were for this flu jab. It appears that it's being done on the 8th and 22nd October (which is actually my birthday!) The computerised phone message was so difficult to understand that I couldn't remember so it was as well to go into the surgery. Never mind.) You just turn up and get the jab. Not a problem. I certainly don't want to get the flu as it can be nasty if you have a heart problem.
I have been out and picked some blackberries. The crop has been quite extensive on the bramble bushes all along the Redway and on the overhang on our garden fence. I suppose they've had the right amount of sunshine and rain to produce such a large crop. I shall go back out and get some more during the next few weeks. The berries are so plump and ripe that they virtually fall off the bushes into the box I have to collect them.
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