Heart attack

Saturday, June 01, 2024

Yes, We Have No Bananas

 Sunday. 8.25 a.m. Today, 26th May 2024, would have been Carol and my 17th wedding anniversary. Also, it would be 18 years virtually to the day, since I came out of Bedford Hospital, having spent a week in the C.C.U. (Coronary Care Unit) and I was discharged on 27th May. 

Tuesday. 1.20 p.m. Yesterday I didn't do a lot, although I spent most of the day working on my family tree via the website Ancestry. I now have reached the amazing number of over 1,500 people on the tree! It seems amazing how quickly I have reached that number, as well as being able to get back to the year 1033, thirty years before the landmark date of 1066. I have also discovered that some of my ancestors got on the wrong side of the law, for example, being caught in possession of stolen goods as well as one beating his wife and, on a happier note, finding that a young man had been apprenticed to a farmer to make bricks and this was for seven years, and more amazing, that this was in the St John's area of Bedford!

Thursday. 2.30 p.m. I have been into the shopping centre to get my hair cut at ROK Barbers (formerly known as Central Barbers.) The appointment was scheduled for 1.30 and when I got to the car park, where I usually park when I go into the city centre, I paid using the Ring Go app on my phone. But it wouldn't connect, most likely as there was a poor mobile signal. When I attempted to pay, I got the infamous spinning wheel, much to my annoyance, because I had no change to put in the meter before leaving. So, I left it and made a further attempt when I got into the shopping centre. Fortunately, it worked!

I walked through the shopping centre, towards John Lewis. ROK Barbers is next to it. I had forgotten it was half-term and this was why there were so many parents with children about and there was a play area in Middleton Hall, with rides and a sort of elastic thing (for want of a better way to describe it.) A large metal framework, a tripod arrangement, which has a sort of elastic material connected to a sort of harness which children were put in, and then they bounced up and down. Yes, it sounds somewhat stomach-churningly unpleasant and would be no good for me, as I would be too large and heavy. I don't think it was intended for adults!

I arrived outside ROK Barbers and sat outside as I usually do. The time came and went for the appointment, 1.30, and none of the barbers came out to tell me they were ready for me, and then I got a text message informing me I had missed my appointment! Crazy, when I was sitting outside. So I went in, and fortunately, I was able to have my hair cut.

When I took Alfie out earlier, I happened to look towards Oldbrook Green and noticed that the path had been fenced off with those orange barriers which are put up whenever there is some sort of building work going on, road-mending or whatever. I could see men moving about, dressed in day-glo overalls. I had a vague idea of what was going on, because, when we walked past the S.I.A. building (Spinal Injury Association.) the raised garden wall that runs along the path edge looked somewhat unsteady and likely to collapse. Having now driven past a few minutes ago, it did look like they were working on that raised garden wall (for want of a better way to describe it. It is supported by wooden arrangements to contain the gravel and earth into which plants had been planted, but some of the wood looked decayed, so it would be a good measure for it to be strengthened and repaired.)

Friday. 4.25 p.m. It's a good deal cooler today. My digital thermometer currently reads 22ºC. It's quite windy outside.

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