Heart attack

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Man The Lifeboats!

 Monday. 10.45 a.m. It has been raining more or less continually all night. It is pouring down as I write this. I didn't go to church yesterday morning because of the rain. Pathetic, I know, but huge puddles are appearing everywhere on the grid roads around Milton Keynes.

On Friday morning, I had a workman come to look at my bathroom floor, and he ripped it up and replaced it with a new one. So much better and easier to clean. I can't believe, that after all this time and effort, it is done. I am supposed to have someone come out to look at possible changes to my bath, either taking the bath out and giving me a shower unit, or at least moving the current shower, which is over the bath, to a higher position on the wall, so I can at least have a shower without having to stoop to get under it. I'll hold my breath and wait until after this person visits.

12.15 p.m. A young man came to survey my bathroom. He was here about 30 minutes ago. He measured the bathroom with a gadget, I presume it has a laser in it and a red light comes on when it hits a wall or solid surface. He told me I should get a shower unit, with a shower tray a screen and a curtain, a new toilet and a wash basin. I will still hold my breath over this. It has taken around 2 years to get this far and, although the floor has been done, the rest is sort of 'in the air.'

It is still raining and there is a sort of waterfall from off the roof near the communal lounge. I don't hold out much hope regarding leaks, particularly along the corridor where my flat is.

Tuesday. 10.15 a.m. The rain has stopped, at least for the time being. I don't think it rained overnight. I have just returned from my weekly shop in Sainsbury's. I was talking to the lady on the tills, and she said the store had to be closed yesterday afternoon because of flooding. I'm not sure how they managed to clear up the water, but customers were told to leave (I trust it was done apologetically and appropriately.)

Wednesday. 10.25 a.m. When I got home from Sainsbury's yesterday morning, I found a parcel on my doorstep. I had obviously been out in the rain because it was partially damp. On opening it, I found it to be a copy of 'Legion' which I had ordered from Amazon, but which has since been replaced. It makes me wonder where on earth it was left. Well, certainly not at Dexter House, and quite obviously outside. I needed to return it, and, fortunately, I had retained the packaging the replaced book came in.  I had a roll of parcel tap somewhere in the flat, which I had used some while ago, but I could not find it anywhere.  I had to have this tape to close up the parcel and had to go back to Sainsbury's this morning to buy some more. Fortunately, it came on a roll which incorporated a cutter, thus making the job far easier. I went on the Amazon website and printed off a QR code, which I took to a shop in Bradwell Common and it was scanned, a label attached to the parcel, and it will return to Amazon. So that job was completed!

I had a text a few days ago about having a second shingles vaccination. I made the appointment online, which definitely makes things so easy, but I couldn't remember the day or time. It occurred to me, as I was so near to the surgery in Bradwell Common, I could drive a bit further and ask one of the receptionists. The shingles vaccination is on Saturday morning. The receptionist asked me if I wanted to book by annual 'flu vaccination, which I agreed to, and it's on 9th November, so that's organised. So, with that done as well as dealing with the Amazon parcel, I can say I've managed to kill two birds with one stone!

In Sainsbury's, it would appear that the effects of the deluge they had the day before are very much in evidence. The area where some of the self-service tills were cordoned off and there were buckets dotted about the store, no doubt to catch drips from the ceiling. It makes me wonder what happened to the flats which are above the Sainsbury store as well as the underground car park.

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