Heart attack

Saturday, October 05, 2024

October Begins

 Tuesday. 8.10 a.m. So, here we are in October. I can't believe that the summer is more or less over. It is definitely getting colder. On Sunday, I went to church without a jacket or coat of any kind, but I think it will probably be the last time and next week I will have to wear my jacket or at least a fleece or jumper.

Thinking about the drive to church, I was minding my own business, driving at a reasonable speed along Chaffron Way, after coming out of Strudwick Drive. This driver comes up behind me, attempting to get me to drive faster. I don't like it when I get tailgated like that, as I've probably mentioned in these posts somewhere or other. Well, I was driving along, when suddenly this idiot driver overtook me, driving on the 'restricted' part of the road in the centre. By restricted, I mean marked in red. It really shook me, and, fortunately for that driver, there wasn't anything coming in the other direction.

We've had a great deal of rain over the last week or so. There's a great deal of flooding all around Milton Keynes and neighbouring villages and towns. The A421 dual carriageway, which runs between the M1, Milton Keynes to Bedford, is completely flooded on this side of Marston Moreteyne. In some places it is around 8 feet deep, so, as a result, it has been shut. There have been attempts to pump off the water, but, as there's no river to pump the water into, it will be a long time until it gets clear and can be used by traffic again. Goodness knows how traffic will get through that area by avoiding that stretch of the road, but I expect it will take some complicated route to get to Bedford and beyond, no doubt going through local villages which were bypassed when this new stretch of dual carriageway was opened.

Wednesday. 7.45 a.m. As a result of the various incidents I have endured, driving around Milton Keynes, and elsewhere, and involving other drivers, cutting me up, tailgating me and generally bad behaviour on the road, I long ago thought it might be an idea to invest in a dash cam. So I bought one through Amazon. But it's difficult choosing the right one, and I wanted one which would be able to view the road in front as well as behind. Then, with so many to choose from, which was going to be best for what I wanted, It's a bit like potluck in a way, because it isn't until you get the thing and set it up do you discover whether it's suitable for the job. I have the front camera set up but have, as yet, to deal with the rearview camera.

Thursday. 7.25 a.m. We're going out a good deal later. I suppose it's because it's dark until around 6.30, although I do have a small torch to see what I'm doing with Alfie.

I am going to get back to some writing, but I need to have something to write on, so I have ordered some writing pads from Viking, an online stationery supplier. We don't have Staples any more in Milton Keynes, where it was possible to just walk in, have a look around and buy there and then. A great shame. I think they have an online presence, but it's not the same as just being able to go in and buy a product there and then. It looks like a lot of businesses are going that way. It will take a day or two for the order to arrive, obviously.

Friday. 7.55 a.m. There was a thin fog when I took out Alfie at around 7 o'clock. But as I am writing this, the sun is out, although it is somewhat weak and the fog has cleared.

I have bought a mini video camera from Amazon. It is a DJI pocket 2 and I ordered it at the beginning of the week and it arrived yesterday. I think it came from somewhere overseas, but I'm not sure where exactly. This would explain why it took several days to get here. I am currently figuring out how it functions, but it connects to my iPhone and you install an app on that to install software and learn how to use it. For something so tiny, which sits in your hand, it seems quite sophisticated and even has a wireless microphone. It will take a few days before I can make use of it. 

9.50 a.m. I think I have managed to set up the DJI Pocket. I have it on charge at the moment, but when it is fully charged, I intend to go out around Oldbrook Boulevard and 'give it a go.' For something so small, it certainly packs a punch. I have watched some of the footage I took yesterday when I first set it up, through my iPhone. I would like to watch some of it through my Firestick on my television. I'm going to have a lot of fun with this! Watch this space!

11.00 a.m. I have just been around Oldbrook Green with the DJI Pocket. I trust the thing has worked and I can watch the video that resulted.

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