Heart attack

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Season Of Mists

Keats was right when he said that Autumn was the 'season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.' Driving around Milton Keynes you can see the trees changing colour. They are quite striking in their colour change, and it is almost daily that another grade of colour is added. Milton Keynes may be a modern city, but whoever designed the layout got it right when you see only trees as you drive along the grid roads. It is almost like living in a forest. I don't know about the mists, although we are almost into October. Some early mornings are quite misty and overcast, but there are none of those drifting mists you sometimes get near water early in the morning. There have been some really dramatic skies over Milton Keynes lately, really worth the time and effort to photograph (that is, when I can remember to take my digital camera with me in the car.)

My small Yorkie, Alfie (that's him in the photograph at the beginning of this post and who, I am certain, is going to feature in these writings in the future) has caught a mouse and deposited it on our bed! It was something of a shock, to say the least, but that is what Yorkshire terriers were bred to do, so he is only doing his job. I wasn't cross with him, but when he saw that I'd seen the dead mouse he ran downstairs and tried to hide, but I tried to make out that he'd been a good boy. Who wants the house over-run with vermin anyway, although I'm not sure whether he had caught it inside or outside in the garden.

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