Heart attack

Friday, November 14, 2014

Thoroughly Wet and Miserable Morning

It has rained almost continuously overnight. We could hear the sound of the rain on the windows when we woke this morning and the dogs were very reluctant to go out into the garden when I let them out. Who can blame them? Alfie stood on the doorstep and poked his nose out, then came back in, but I think he realised that he would need to go out at some point, so rushed out but came in quickly. He manages to stay within the sort of shelter of the house when he goes out.Poppy shot out and then came back almost as quickly. As I write this the rain is still rattling on the windows and there's quite a lot of drops running down the glass. The BBC Breakfast weather forecast says that it's going to clear up as the day progresses. It is actually quite mild out and we've had no further frost to freeze up the car windscreen first thing in the morning. Well, considering we're well into November it's not to much to expect from the weather.

I am continuing with the Futurelearn course, although it has now almost come to the end of week three. I'm still doing work from week two. I don't think it really matters as this is not like a conventional course and you can work at your own pace. Reading other people's comments on the website I don't think I'm the only person on the course who isn't completely up to date. I read on some of the comments that there are some people who are on week six, which is the final week. I have learnt quite a bit from this course and certainly more than the  evening course I started but abandoned at Milton Keynes Academy. There is one problem, though. When you upload any written material onto the Futurelearn site you have no more than 200 words to write your assigment, which, to be honest, isn't enough space. I suppose in some ways it's a good thing as you have to learn to edit your work as you go along in order to get it to fit. My previous post on here was actually a piece that I had written for the course and because it was around 500 words I posted it here and then put a link to it on the Futurelearn site.

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