Heart attack

Friday, June 01, 2018

Still More Wet Weather

It's been a really miserable week. Carol's between chemotherapy cycles (only two more to go!) and we had hoped to get out for at least one day, hopefully to Whipsnade. But we certainly don't want to go if it's wet and windy. Not the best place to go, up on Dunstable Downs, when it's raining.

I mentioned that Alfie wasn't well yesterday evening. He seemed better after I'd given him the ibuprofen. This morning I was downstairs on my own in the lounge when he came downstairs to find me. He seemed in real discomfort. He had a sort of pinched look, his ears laid back. He came to sit on my knee. He has a habit of doing this, a really affectionate little dog. Then he jumped down on the floor and was immediately sick on the rug. Not a problem, but it occurred to me that he might have got some sort of stomach ache or similar. He seems to have been fine for the rest of the day, eventually eating his dinner as usual and the playing with the Comic Relief ball.

We've had a further dose of thunder and a rain storm, but it didn't seem to develop into anything, unfortunately, but it now means that we can't get the grass cut. It will need doing sooner or later as it's getting too long for our poor little mower to get through and it's now seeding which isn't a good sign.

It's now Friday morning and it's again been a wet night. No sign yet of it drying out so we can get the grass cut. It'll soon be so long Alfie will get lost when he goes into the garden. 'Garden' is a somewhat misnomer if ever there was one. The grass can certainly not be termed a 'lawn.'

When we were out yesterday, when we went into the centre of Milton Keynes, we saw workmen filling in potholes. They were using a machine that appeared to put some sort of filling into these holes in the road, with a sort of hose-type thing on the back of a large lorry and then the workmen used a machine that flattened this material and so patched up the holes. I'm not so sure how effective this will be as a long lasting solution. I just hope they manage to fill plenty of these potholes before winter when ice, damp and the mere effect of traffic moving across them will prevent them coming apart and making even more work to repair them.

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