Heart attack

Thursday, April 05, 2012

Alfie Has A Haircut!

Alfie, our Yorkshire Terrier, has been to the grooming parlour  this morning and had his hair cut. Quite drastically, I have to admit. His coat was getting very knotted and untidy and it was in desperate need of a trim. As I've mentioned on this blog before now, getting him into the car is quite traumatic, as he gets so wound up and makes an awful noise, so it was a relief when Carol was able to simply pick him up and get him into the cage in the back of the car with very little noise. We took Poppy with us, as she really doesn't like being left in the house on her own, and drove across Milton Keynes to Pets At Home, where the grooming parlour is situated. 

Alfie made his usual noise as we drew into the car park, letting everyone know that he'd arrived. We took both dogs into the Pets At Home showroom, with the grooming parlour at the back, and had to wait a while before we could take Alfie in. Eventually we took him in and left him with the staff and went off to do shopping elsewhere, especially Tesco's in Wolverton. We got a phone call by mobile about and hour and a half to say he was done, which was actually as we were driving back. 

When staff at the grooming parlour brought out Alfie, we were a little shocked by how he looked, as he had been somewhat shorn of his previously-long and somewhat matted coat. He didn't make any noise, possibly because he was a little bit traumatised by the whole experience, and this was something odd as he makes quite a noise when something upsets him. We took him home in the car and may decide to buy him a coat of some sort as the weather has been quite cold over the past few days, and he does suffer from cold. I must say he does look much better and you can see his face clearer and as a result he should be able to see where he's going far better!

Next month it's Poppy's turn, as her coat is in a definite need of a trim!

1 comment:

mooderino said...


Poor Alfie, probably had no idea what was going on.

Thanks for visiting my blog, happy to read yours.

Moody Writing
The Funnily Enough