Heart attack

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Car Problems and More Rain

Our car has been playing up, to put it mildly. It started misbehaving when I went to the local shop to buy milk. I went to put the key in the ignition and it wouldn't turn in the lock. Generally, if this happens first time, you jiggle the key (is this an acceptable word? The meaning should be 'to move up and down with short jerky movements.' This, from my Collins English Dictionary, Express Electronic Edition.) I thought I ought to define this word, as there are those in other countries who might not be familiar with some words. I also have to be aware that some words have an entirely different meaning in other cultures. Oscar Wilde made the remark about American and English variations of the language when he said 'two countries divided by one language.' Anyway, I digress. I mean, I fiddled with the key to try to get the ignition to turn. It did not, on this occasion. I tried this several times. I also moved the steering wheel several times, but still the key would not turn, and so turning on the engine of the car thus facilitating the driving of said car. After several more attempts it did eventually start and I was able to drive out to the shop. Unfortunately, on arrival at the carpark, I found there was no room to park (I think I arrived there at the wrong time as the primary school, which is nearby, might have been coming to the end of it's day, and the cars might possibly have been those of the parents of the children at the school.) So, as a result, I returned home.
At around 3.30 I went to the car to drive to collect Carol at the Academy, but I could not get the key to work in the ignition. The steering column eventually locked completely, thus making operation of the car totally impossible. I walked to the Academy to collect Carol.
We tried several times more to try to get the car to start, without success. We have since telephoned someone we know at  the Milton Keynes Christian Centre who is a car mechanic and he will come out to have a look at the problem and hopefully resolve it for us.

The day has begun with dark clouds scudding across the sky. This, foreboding more rain. After yesterdays deluge, I see from last night's local news on BBC1 that there has been quite severe flooding in parts of the country.

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