Heart attack

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

A New Fence? Is it possible?

Our landlord, his wife and their son visited yesterday evening. I think they wanted to settle our minds that it was going to be far better to rent the house direct from them and not through the agency. It has been the amount of problems which the agency has caused us, particularly them not passing on issues to be addressed, such as the tile which needed replacing and the fact that it took around three weeks for the agency to pass on the message. Our landlord's son is going to be the one responsible for the maintenance of the house and it now looks as if they are going to repair the fence at long last. They have been into the garden and seen the damage which was done by the high wind which blew down an entire panel and which is totally rotten and needs urgent replacing. We have already been searching for fence panels and have been to quite a few garden centres and do-it-yourself stores such as Homebase, B and Q, Dobbies, Wyevale, Frosts and so on without success. No doubt the companies who make the panels have been inundated with orders since the high winds destroyed so many fences and haven't been able to supply because of such a high demand. It is at least six months since that storm caused so much devastation so it seems amazing that we can't get replacement panels.

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