Heart attack

Friday, May 25, 2018

Annoying Mistakes

As I mentioned in yesterday's blog post, Carol had a telephone call, a 'ring-back,' from the doctor, as a result of my early-morning telephone call to get Carol's medical certificate tor work. The doctor did eventually ring, but it was almost lunch-time. Carol spoke to him on the phone and she said he wasn't sure why she wanted to speak to him. He said he'd sign a certificate and that it would be ready to collect fro the surgery 'after 2 o'clock.' From experience I knew that it was unlikely to be done, so I decided to driver to pick it up this morning (Friday). So I went to Ashfield Medical Centre at gone 10 o'clock. Having picked up the certificate from Ashfield, I drove to deliver it to reception at the Academy. Unfortunately, midway through the morning, we got a call from the H.R. department at the Academy to say that the date was wrong on the certificate. It had been signed for the 23rd when it should have been for the 18th May. Which would mean I would have to drive over and collect it from the reception and then take it back to Ashfield to have it altered and then returned back to the H.R. department. Just annoying. The doctor should have checked the date before he signed it. It's this sort of annoying mistake which is getting somewhat stressful.

It wasn't just this mistake we're having to sort out. Apparently Carol was over-paid with her last salary payment. So quite a large amount will now be taken from her next couple of salary payments. Someone in the salaries office wasn't doing their job properly. So we're more or less to blame. Oh well, it can be rectified, but like the doctor's medical certificate dating we just have to accept it and move on. As if we didn't have enough to contend with at the moment.

It's been a rather ordinary sort of day on the weather front. No rain or sunshine, but mild.

I've just completed reading 'White Heat,' the second book in Dominic Sandbrook's series of books covering the period 1956 to the present day. This particular volume covers the period from 1963 until 1970. It's interesting as I lived through this period. It's extremely detailed and not only covers political events but also focusses on popular culture, the rise of The Beatles, Rolling Stones as well as cinema and television. It's interesting to read in detail about things that we would have been aware of in the news and get the background on certain things.

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