Heart attack

Friday, May 08, 2015

Unable to Login To The Internet

Yesterday morning I was unable to get into the Mac Laptop yesterday morning, unfortunately, which means that I couldn't get on here to write up a blog post. I am now writing this on our second little laptop, which may not be an Apple, considerably slower, but it at least works and I'm able to do all the work I need to do on a computer, including this blog and reading and writing emails. It is taking a lot to re-learn as it doesn't work anywhere near the same as an Apple.

Yesterday, Thursday 7th March, was General Election Day here in the United Kingdom. Seeing how the S.N.P. seemed to take virtually every seat in Scotland it makes you wonder how much longer we will be a United Kingdom, because I imagine there will now be a second Scottish Independence Referendum. Elsewhere, it looks as if David Cameron will continue as Prime Minister and no doubt Ed Miliband will resign as Labour Party leader as Labour didn't do very well, particularly in Scotland where the S.N.P. took most of the previously Labour-held seats. I spent most of the night watching the Election results coming in on BBC Television.

I rang Apple earlier this morning regarding the problems with the MacBook Air laptop. I thought I was actually ringing the Apple store in Midsummer Place in the Milton Keynes Central shopping centre but it seemed to be a call centre. I had to go through a voice-activated menu, which knew my name, even though I hadn't mentioned it. A bit creepy. It's difficult to know whether the system has actually respond, as you have to repeat some words which it's unclear to know whether it has understood, but the very idea of a machine 'understanding' you seems creepy. I eventually go through to a human, and I had to go through a few system-checks to find out whether the laptop was working, which it plainly isn't, but it's difficult to take instructions over the phone, hear the instructions whilst attempting to use the keyboard, but in the end I decided it was easier to go into their showroom and get someone to check it out and if they can fix it there and then, then O.K. So I made an appointment for Tuesday at 11.45 a,m. I just hope it it done there and then and doesn't incur any sort of expence, as, what with the car needing repair as well at the moment, we don't need this sort of expence also.

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